My Third Fourth Trimester

the postpartum phase is by far the hardest.

With every kid it’s different and it’s because you’re in a different stage of your life and each baby is unique. It’s learning all over again, it’s healing all over again, it’s sacrificing all over again.

To me pregnancy was easy, even labor wasn’t that bad when you compare it to your next 2-3 months post baby. There are a lot of things that people just don’t talk about like hormone changes, just how hard it is to breast feed and all the things you need to do to heal physically with less sleep.

This time around I had random shakes, consistent night sweats and just couldn’t get comfortable. I nursed exclusively the first two weeks to regulate my milk supply and to not over due it. But with that I wasn’t increasing my intake enough and really need to make an effort to eat and drink more to compensate for the amount of nursing.

Here we are just shy of 8 weeks postpartum and I think we’re in a better place. Hormones are a bit more regulated, I’m more aware of what and how much I’m eating and drinking, and trying to get some sleep where I can.

Postpartum is no joke. Thankfully I haven’t experienced postpartum depression and can’t imagine how other’s must feel with that in the mix. I’ve got a husband that cooks every meal and helps with shifts at night which has been a HUGE help. For mamas or new parents going through this phase it’s important to remember that it’s temporary. Your newborn is growing fast and to cherish the moments as they come.

Tips that worked for me:

  • Meal prep and have snacks ready on-hand
  • Include brewer’s yeast in oats, muffins and smoothies etc. to help milk supply
  • Snag the largest water bottle with a straw and sip sip sip!
  • Keep Ensure ready
  • Stretching when I felt stiff or started having neck/back pain
  • Supplement with formula when you need to – stress about feeding your baby doesn’t help milk supply
  • Tend to your breasts – nipple shields, better pump and self care items
  • Ask for help. This one I had to learn all over again because I’m so independent and I want to be everything and more for my little guy and I certainly don’t want to seem needy but let’s be real, no mama can do it all.

I’m constantly reminding myself how lucky I am to get to experience this all over again – Wells, is a dream and a sweet baby and even though it’s brutally hard at times, this family of mine is absolutely worth it.

shop my postpartum must-haves:


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